Extension of light rail line in Dublin, Ireland uses rainwater management to keep traffic moving.
The Challenge
With climate change, cities face new challenges, like sudden and unpredictable flooding. And with infrastructure of all kinds, cities want to ensure that everything runs even when it pours.
When the Luas light rail system’s green line in Dublin, Ireland was up for extension, planners realised that stormwater attenuation and surface drainage would be a major consideration. Constructing specially designed water tanks underneath the tracks plays a crucial role in managing stormwater and surface drainage effectively.
The Solution
Relying on water tank solutions from ViaCon UK, the attenuation project got underway. The first and largest 430 m2 tank was delivered in three weeks and installed in just four days – commissioned in a third of the time of required for concrete with less storage space and no need for heavy lifting gear or specialist equipment to install.
Technical specifications
The ViaCon Advantage
Implementing water tanks as a stormwater attentuation and drainage solution, a number of benefits were achieved: